Chancellor Florida State Poets Association
Florida Poet Laureate Volusia County
Winner of 2011 American Poet Prize
Florida Loves Poetry!!™
Writing must be taught in a way that emphasizes discovery and growth of the student-writer’s voice, rather than emphasizing adaptation of a writer’s voice to a history of literature or to current trends in literature.
- M.B., 2017
Writing Workshops:
Testimonials from Poetry Workshop Participants
This was a beautiful program, and it expanded my creative spirit and soul.
- ACA 2023
This program was great for stretching the imagination. I wish it was ongoing!
- ACA 2023
M.B. shared her insight in such an engaging and inspiring way. I truly learned a lot in this course, and it made me fall even more in love with writing and sharing poetry.
- ACA 2023
I have never had a formal poetry class. I loved Everything. M.B. led with an ease, love and expertise to elicit and stretch our diverse class. Amazing.
- ACA 2023
Wonderful! My mind and heart are elevated!
- ACA 2023
This was the best poetry course I’ve ever taken, and I’ve taken college poetry classes. I have a MA in English. M.B. really inspires and gives us amazing examples and tools to become better writers.
- ACA 2023
M.B. is so professional and engaging. My heart is happy. My mind stimulated.
- ACA 2023
I loved the facilitator, M.B. She’s an excellent teacher. Great person.
- ACA 2023
Fun class!
- ACA 2023
The best poetry course in Florida!
- A. M.
Wow - who knew you would be there when I finally decided to let on I'm a poet ready to write again. Thank God! Thank you! Thank you, ACA, for facilitating this series!
- L. M.
I just loved your class. Thank you for facilitating this workshop! We covered so much in four weeks. It was a wonderful experience and I look forward to working with you again! So sorry this is ending… it was so wonderful.
- V. I.
Thank you for creating such a wonderful space to create!
- C B.
The workshop on poetry that M. B. McLatchey ran was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in a long time. As a professional singer I have sung so many poems and studied them but never tried my hand at writing one. I was nervous since most were already "poets". M. B. immediately made me comfortable and I felt at ease to share what I was doing. She was supportive and encouraging and has made me want to continue writing poetry. I would take another workshop with her at the drop of a hat. I cannot thank her enough for the insights and guidance she provided in an atmosphere of kindness and support.
- L. S.
I have very much enjoyed this course with you and wish it could go on much longer! Thank you!
- G. H.
Thank you for your inspired leadership during this workshop experience. I sincerely regret having missed the first two sessions. My friend Carole invited me to your next to last session and I was smitten by your gentle and knowledgeable style. My goodness - how fortunate for us you are willing to teach, lead, and inspire fellow poets!
- L. M.
I have really enjoyed your enthusiasm and insights into what can make better poetry. I have enjoyed meeting and interacting with the other poets…both those whom I know and others whose voices continue to inspire.
- D. H.