Chancellor Florida State Poets Association
Florida Poet Laureate Volusia County
Winner of 2011 American Poet Prize
The Shadow Maker
Our goal is to make it so there's as little friction as possible to having a social experience. – Mark Zuckerberg
is the fifth richest man in the world;
a harvester of pearls: our small talk
like algae-rich waters and tides –new births,
divorces, prizes our children acquire –
feeding and keeping the oysters alive.
is a master of illusion: figures in captioned
poses, screen and light; shadows that dance
on cave walls. Dramas that make us muse, lean
in, post notes like medieval glosses in the margins
of someone else’s domestic scenes; illuminators
to an epic chant, a rhapsody’s god-dream.
is the Ideal Prince, accepting the burden
of princedoms, glory, survival, to jettison distinctions:
good and depraved; monarch and something human
saved. Better to be loved and feared rather than
admired, or worse, revered. A lord who understands
the desire to acquire. A magician with two hands.
is a Philosopher King, able to discourse on goodness,
justice, corrupting pride; hold court on high ideas:
opinion, false truths, reality– a theory of forms
that casts our lives in cycles, fruit and fallow; sinners
redeemed. A god’s will altered; a cave master’s dream.
Copyright © 2022 M. B. McLatchey. All rights reserved.
Published in Sequestrum, Issue 32, June 2022.