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Chancellor Florida State Poets Association
Florida Poet Laureate Volusia County
Winner of 2011 American Poet Prize
On Folding a Fitted Sheet
One eye looks within, the other eye looks without. ― Henri Cartier-Bresson
The art, it seems, is in the ease
of mirroring what is measured:
at once attending to, surrendering
to a set of numbers, a fixed but –
when you release too tight a grip –
supple and scented plane.
Tuck the puckered edges back.
Give it a thwack. Let it balloon –
a goddess-smelted bloom
of what remains after ablution:
smoke-colored shadows, the stir
of a post-coital myrrh.
Hold as one holds
a picture you would hang
or, as in Prokofiev’s ballet: arms
bent and raised, palms open-faced.
Fold it until the edges meet –
repeat, repeat. Walk it upstairs
with the reverence you’d have
for carrying your country’s flag.
Copyright © 2018 M. B. McLatchey. All rights reserved.
Published in Harpur Palate of Binghamton University, Fall 2018, Vol. 18.1.

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