Chancellor Florida State Poets Association
Florida Poet Laureate Volusia County
Winner of 2011 American Poet Prize
Morning in Three Movements
I lie in my own pasty pool
like a lamb in a druid’s bed.
Layer by layer, thread
after thread, I shed
and shed. O, press me
between your palms again!
Deliverer, be delivered.
Without your need, without
a guise to beautify,
what am I?
I know her layers far better
than she. Scales that I peel
in a rush of steam. My tongue,
her arch, her bending knee.
The soft between her legs
where I redeem myself,
the way the Great Throwdini
did, who earned his life, her love,
by sparing them. Without her
bristling flesh, oh what am I?
In this morning
light, I am almost
transparent, a sheet
of shimmering
snow that holds
another person’s fears –
once in this tight embrace,
twice in this lingering
scent, this care, this
newfound air.
Answers to Riddles in Reverse:
I: paos fo rab
II : rozar
III. eussit