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Chancellor Florida State Poets Association
Florida Poet Laureate Volusia County
Winner of 2011 American Poet Prize
House on Fire
Too late to talk of causes. A faulty switch?
A pile of letters left in an attic’s heat?
Desire unveiled too late to relinquish
its sensual trail? All these, and love’s capacity
to make a fearful pit, then send a Beatrice to us
in Limbo. Protectors of the smiths,
patrons of handicrafts; molders of metal
dreams. You conceived me: one of your
handmaidens forged out of bronze and yellow
flames. Beautiful corridor of fire
transmuting ordinary days into shimmering
reliefs. I was the heat, the blast of stars
rooting itself in love’s soft metal. I was the maker
of alloys naturally weak. Gifts that I hammered
and hammered. I never ran from technique.

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